Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A weekend in the countryside ...

It was another bank holiday here in the UK so we packed our belongings in the car along with Ernie and headed off to Battle on the Sussex Coast to join my mum and dad in their caravan for the weekend. We arrived about 8.30pm and settled in for the night.
We couldn't have asked for better weather, Saturday we awoke to blue skies and sunshine which lasted all day. We took a wander around Battle town centre and bought some nicknacks including some beautiful port glasses and tumblers from a charity shop for the bargain price of £2.50 for 4! Sunday was another beautiful day so we decided to go on a long walk through the woods to the pretty little village of Catsfield and spend the afternoon drinking in the pub. It was lovely!
We returned Monday evening, full and tired from a lovely weekend but rested and happy to be home in our little house.
I couldn't have planned a better weekend, sunshine, card games, pub drinks and crisps, walking in the countryside and lots and lots of fun!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Living off the land

Happy 1st of May, where is this year going? true to style May has welcomed us with a day of torrential rain and clouds :( but hey ho who gives a damn we have a three day weekend coming up! Yeeeeehaa!

We have been busy bee's down the allotment lately, planting our early potatoes, onions, peas and broad beans. We already had leeks garlic and all the fruit trees planted ready to pop with fruit.
We added two new raised beds and a new wood chip pathway between to make weeding and tending a lot easier. Ernie came down with us to help and he was into everything! But he enjoyed himself.

Hopefully this year we can at least try to be self sufficient on the vegetable side of life. I have already used a lot of my flowers that i planted in my mini cutting beds to decorate the house which has saved us money each week shopping :)

The weather just lately has been lovely and i have even managed to squeeze in a couple of lunch breaks sunbathing in Golden Square (London) staring at the blue skies imagining it's summer.

I have some exciting new ideas for my little on line shop for the coming months to try and encourage a few more sales. The wedding is fast approaching and as Tesco like to say every little helps when it comes to money, so in the spirit of things i am offering £5.00 off all purchases over £10.00 (when you enter the coupon code SPRING2014 at checkout) to try and drive a few more peeps through my imaginary on line door.

Please pop by and take a look you never know something might take your fancy :) x
Click on the link below....

Friday, 4 April 2014

Wedding bells and seashells

Welcome April! with your promise of Spring and your tendency for rain drops. Spring is definitely in the air, the flowers are bursting into bloom in the garden and the allotment is seeing all the fruit trees froth with blossom. I love spring it's my favourite time of the year so inside i am jumping for joy at its arrival.

My little sis was married last week, in a flurry of sequins and lace she looked like a princess and the day went by in a blur of happiness and laughter. It was such a beautiful day and she looked stunning! two days later it was Mothering Sunday here in the UK so we headed for the coast as we always do when there is a hint of the sun and boarded the miniature steam railway (Romney Hythe and Dymchurch Railway) and headed to Dungeness for a model railway exhibition and to eat our fill of fish and chips. Frank came along too and had his head out of the carriage most of the way trying to get a good whiff of the sheep, he kept licking his lips imagining biting them and making us laugh.

It's nearly 5pm and it's still light! can you believe it!!! happy spring :) xxxx

Friday, 21 February 2014

Banana bread and rolling waves.

Well January whizzed by and now we are almost at the end of February! The weather has been terrible here in the UK these past few weeks, torrential rain has meant lots of villages and towns have been flooded, railway lines have been destroyed and we have lost large swathes of the British coastline to the sea. Poor Cornwall and Somerset seemed to have taken the brunt of it all.
Kent didn't fair too badly, we had no flooding at all in our town just storm damage, missing tiles and damaged fences.
Our right hand fence to our back garden seems to be on its last legs but as we are due soon to have a new neighbor we are holding on to replace it as it is technically their fence (so we are waiting patiently).

Winter Olympics has started! How exciting, i just love the ice skaters and their funny faces they pull, check out this link it had me laughing for hours!

Last weekend we ventured out on the one clear day we have had in weeks to the seaside, Dungeness to be exact, for my dads birthday. It was such a beautiful day and so lovely to get out and about and blow away some of those cobwebs.
I just love Dungeness, so inspiring, i braved the gales and took a lonely walk around the huts in Dungeness village to wear of my fish and chips. Some of the huts date back to as far as 1800, and people live in them all year round with the eerie looking power station in the background.

The cake in the pics above was a banana bread, i was home alone just me and Ernie as Ashley was working on a Sunday so i decided to use up the last few mouldy looking bananas and bake a cake at the same time as cooking a roast, Get me! I'm the new Nigella :) (minus the cocaine of course!), it was gorgeous and only took me 50 mins to bake! who needs a cafe when you have hot banana bread and a Dolce Gusto latte to hand and the comfort of your own settee  :)

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