Thursday, 8 August 2013

Here's to being 27!

It was my birthday two days ago, i turned 27. Now i have had mixed feelings about turning 27 for sometime now, its quite far into my twenties, in fact its nearing the end which brings me into a little sweat just thinking about it! but hey i embraced it and smiled until three people concluded to tell me, without me even mentioning the fact i'm a little nervous of this age! that 27 was in fact the worst years of their lives!! Thanks for that.

So far it's been ok, but one cannot be too hasty in these things so i am taking each day slowly for now :)
To treat myself i purchased the above book. Wildwood, its a collaboration between husband and wife Carson Ellis and Colin Meloy, both fantastically talented, she being a renowned illustrator and he being the founding member of the band Decemberists i had a feeling it was going to be good, and its amazing! The story is great, it reminds me of an old style fairy tale but with pretty pictures to accompany it and a lot more depth.

I received lots of goodies for my birthday and was thoroughly spoilt, we will be going out for a Chinese tomorrow night as no one has to get up early on a sat so we can all have a drink. I am looking forward to it.

In other news ..... we have been harvesting regularly from the allotment, broad beans, lettuce, cabbage and potatoes, and the garden is coming along nicely. We are still waiting to get turf but its been so hot here that there hasn't been any for sale.

I will try and upload some photo's soon, but in the meantime, here's to being 27!

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